Dec 15, 2006

The argument for templates

One of the responses to the LSS Employee Satisfaction Survey is that learning templates and procedures are highly requested. This article says that all e-learning should be templated.
The most common way that e-learning developers try to keep costs down – other than using cheap labour offshore – is through template systems and libraries. The idea is simple: by having re-usable components of various sorts, e-learning can be produced quickly, at reasonable cost, at established quality levels.

The article goes on to list 4 principles to create an effective template strategy:
  • Templates must exist, and interact, at different levels of scale.
  • Templates must support every part of the design and development process.
  • Templates must be based on sound theories of learning, and of learning design.
  • Templates must be designed to accumulate knowledge around them.

The article sums up with "e-learning should be almost entirely templated, An effective templating strategy will result in better e-learning, happier learners and clients and lower cost production."

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