Mar 10, 2009

Designing Scenario-based eLearning

Today was the first day of the eLearning Guild's Annual Gathering 2009. I took the Designing Scenario-based eLearning certificate program.

Tom Eucker, a colleague of Ruth Clark started off talking about his experience, then brought up this statistic:
The US spent $134 Billion on training in 2007! (ASTD: 2008 report) Most of that (62.2%) is salaries, development, admin, etc. Classroom training has been leading the charge, but technology is rapidly gaining ground. Most of the technology has been self-study. But classroom will never go away. There's always the human element that people like to be around other people to get their perspective. Most relevant in complex and deep topics.

  • Inform: to present information
  • Perform: to build skills
    • near transfer - the training is similar to real life; precedural; routine tasks
    • far transfer - learn a generic ability, but it can be applied to different situations; strategic skills; problem solving
Scenario-based learning is geared for far transfer learning.
There is a shift happening from near-transfer to far-transfer situations. Routine tasks are being done by machines. Workers are being asked to do more problem-solving, troubleshooting tasks.

Three course architectures:
  1. Receptive
    • sit back and absorb
    • lecture; video documentary
    • best to inform learners.
    • appropriate for anyone
  2. Directive
    • bottom up; short lessons
    • rule/example/practice + feedback
    • most software training is directive
    • best for near-transfer goals
    • appropriate for novices
  3. Guided Discovery
    • problem-centered
    • inductive approach
    • scenario-based learning
    • best for far-transfer goals
    • best for learners who have some prior knowledge

Three views of learning
  1. Transmisssion
    • absorbtion teaching view
    • Receptive
  2. Behavioral
    • instructive teaching view (provide examples & drill)
    • directive
  3. Knowledge construction
    • inductive teaching view
    • guided discovery
    • provide learners with the skill to create their own connections in their head so they can recreate the correct response later on.

Three levels of knowledge:
  • explicit (stuff you can read in a book, take a class, etc)
  • implicit (learn by doing; the experts know the problems that novices won't know. Basis for scenario based learning)
  • tacit (subconscionous knowledge where the person doesn't know how he knows)
SBL & Architectures
  • Directive
    • Guidelines -> examples -> scenario
  • Guided discovery
    • scenario -> derive guilelines

Experiential Learning
  1. Experience (provide examples) [inductive approach: 1+2] SBL
  2. Process (develop rules)
  3. Generalize (create rules & examples) [deductive approach: 3+4]
  4. Apply (do it)
SBL Synonyms
  • problem based
  • goal based
  • scenario based
  • cognative apprenticeships
  • games / simulations
  • cased based
  • experiential
  • challenge based
  • role play
  • interactive storytelling

Key Features of SBL
  • evident problem / trigger event / job assignment
  • lessons provide case/background information
  • manage flounder (of content, not technology) with guidance (let them go down the wrong track for only a short time)
  • access to knowledge and skills (experts, consultants)
  • feedback provided
    • intrinsic - the result of decision making built into the scenario
    • instructional - popup text to work the scenario
  • time compression
  • mistakes are ok - you learn more from the mistakes you make rather than the successes you achieve.
  • holistic vs. linear (choose your own adventure)
  • inductive vs. instructive
  • opportunities for reflection
Design Features (posted separately at )
  1. Begin with an authentic job problem
    1. job specific
    2. linkd to learnign objectives
    3. designed at the right level of complexity
    4. incorporates procedure, knowledge and starategic elements of the job
  2. provide acces to case related info
    1. job realistic
    2. easy to find and access
    3. reflect normal job sources
    4. linked to case objectives
  3. manage flounder factor
    1. closed (more guidance) vs. open (many choices) design
    2. simple to complex problems (give them feeling of success to start)
    3. provide guidance
      1. instructor
      2. collaborative groups
      3. model solutions
      4. worksheets
      5. pedagogical agents
  4. provide access to knowledge and skills
    1. traditional tutorials
    2. online experts
    3. links to docs and presentations
    4. examples and models of best practices
    5. email to instructor/coach (to get to the tacit knowledge that can't come from the training)
  5. plan scenario feedback
    1. peer comparisons
    2. model answers
    3. intrinsic-consequential
    4. instructional
    5. expert review & comments
Differences between text, video and animation in learning
  • Animation / Video returned higher test scores in application test and their satisfaction
  • so long as the animation/video has a distinct purpose.
THere's a balance to the complexity of a SBL
  • narrow scope / broad scope
  • directive architecture / guided discovery
  • problems as a trigger to thinking / problems as enging
  • low-end media (text/graphics) / video; animations
  • behaviorial task analysis / cognitive task analysis
  • branched scenarios / open simulation
  • defined outcomes / variable outcomes
  • instructor lead training / e-learning
Design Plan for SBL
  1. task deliverable (learning objective)
    1. what is the desired final outcome
  2. trigger event
    1. what initiates the problem? What's the storyline to start it?
  3. case data (givens)
    1. what kind of data will be provided
    2. where is it located
  4. feedback
    1. intrinsic
    2. instructional
  5. reflection opportunity
    1. process comparison
    2. rationally comparison
    3. feedback - replay
Program Design
  • Branched scenario
    • closed design (fixed set of decisions and responses)
    • choose your own adventure
    • good for linear scenarios
  • MEnu
    • list (navigation) of all elements available to the learner
    • non-linear
  • Full simulation
    • open design
    • sequence doesn't matter
    • simulation engine determines situations and outcomes
  • Virtual World (Second Life)
    • open ended

1 comment:

Benjamin Duffy said...

Thanks for posting these notes, there are some gems there.